Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic Research Skills (20 Credits) FT2ACR Module
Adaptations across Stage and Screen FT3AD Module
Adaptations Across Stage and Screen FTMAD Module
Advanced Film/TV Project FT3ADV Module
Advanced Filmmaking Project FT3AFP Module
Advanced Theatre Making Project FT3ATMP Module
Analysing Theatre and Performance FT1ATP Module
Approaches to Film FT1ATF Module
Approaches to Television FT1ATT Module
Cinema, Spectacle and Technology FT3CST Module
Comedy on Stage and Screen FT1CSS Module
Commercial and Community Filmmaking FT3COM Module
Community and Collaborative Performance Practices? FT2CCPP Module
Community and Collaborative Practice FT2CCP Module
Community and Collaborative Practice FT2CCPSA Module
Contemporary Documentary FT3CD Module
Creative Research Project FT3CRP Module
Creative Screen Practice FT2CSPSA Module
Creative Screen Practice FT2CSP Module
Devising Performance: Politics and Citizenship FT1DP Module
Directing and Dramaturgy FT2DIR Module
Dissertation FT3DISS Module
Dissertation FT3JDFA Module
Dissertation or Practical Project FTMDPP Module
Documentary FT2DOC Module
Exploring Location FT2EL Module
Exploring Screen Practices FTMESP Module
Exploring the Studio FT1ES Module
Extended Essay FT2EE Module
Film Forms and Cultures FT2FFC Module
Film Practice or Dissertation FTMFPD Module
Film Programming and Film Festivals FT3FF Module
Film Programming and Film Festivals FTMFF Module
Film: Creative Peaks and Industries FTMFCP Module
From Acting to Performance FT2ACT Module
Identity, Agency, Advocacy FT3IAA Module
Identity, Performance and Culture FT2IPC Module
Independent Critical Project FT2CRIT Module
Introduction to Filmmaking FT1ITF Module
Introduction to Scriptwriting FT1ITS Module
Musical Theatre FT3MUS Module
Performance & Design: Site, Scenography and Installation FT3PD Module
Performance and Design FTMPD Module
Performance Skills: Acting and Directing FT2PS Module
Placement and Employment Skills FT2PE Module
Professional Placement Year FT2PPY Module
Professional Roles and Screen Industry Pathways FT2PRO Module
Radical Forms in Theatre and Performance FT1RFT Module
Reworking Shakespeare in Performance FT2SHA Module
Screen Bodies FTMSB Module
Screen Bodies FT3SB Module
Screen Storytelling and Criticism FT2SSC Module
Scriptwriting for Stage and Screen FTMSSS Module
Scriptwriting for Stage and Screen FT3SSS Module
Staging Texts: Production Skills, Design and Performance? FT1STA Module
Study Abroad 1 FT2SA1 Module
Study Abroad 2 FT2SA2 Module
Study Abroad 3 FT2SA3 Module
Study Abroad 4 FT2SA4 Module
Study Abroad Year FT2SAY Module
Television and Contemporary Culture FT2TCC Module
Television: Exploring Fictional Worlds FT3TFW Module
Television: Exploring Fictional Worlds FTMTFW Module
TV Studio Production FT1TSP Module
Wildlife Documentary: Ecology and Representation FT1WD Module
Wildlife Documentary: Ecology and Representation (MODOUT only module) FT2WD Module
World Cinema: Creative Peaks FT3WCC Module
World Cinema: Creative Peaks FTMWCC Module

Lists linked to Film, Theatre and TV

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FTT Postgraduate Researchers Resource List 18/06/2024 22:12:31