Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Project MMM163 Module
An Introduction to Business and Management MM0IBM Module
An Introduction to Business and Management MM0IBJ Module
Applied Project in People Management MMM165 Module
Building competitive advantage: Business Strategy and Operations MM296 Module
Business and Management Project MMM154 Module
Business Evolution MM309 Module
Comparative International Management MM230 Module
Corporate strategy MM393 Module
Culture and Competition MMM159 Module
Data Analysis: Finding Patterns With Regressions MMD010 Module
Dissertation MM358 Module
Economics of International Business MMD003 Module
Firms in the Global Economy MM231 Module
Institutions and Emerging Firms MM308 Module
International Applied Challenge MMM156 Module
International Business and Culture MMM174 Module
International Business and International Human Resource Management MMD004 Module
International Business and the World Economy MMM143 Module
International Business Environment MMM071 Module
International Business Project MMM187 Module
International Business, Development and Policy MMD006 Module
International Business, Innovation and Geography MMD007 Module
International human resource management MMM081 Module
International Human Resource Management MM340 Module
International Strategic Management MMM001 Module
Introduction to Academic Research MDD2IAR2 Module
Introduction to Thesis Literature Review MMD001 Module
Management Debates: Ways of thinking about business MM1F19 Module
Management Project MM357 Module
Managing Across Borders MMM172 Module
Managing People MNM1MPE Module
MM1F20: Business in Practice: Markets, Marketing and Management MM1F20 Module
Multinational Enterprise Strategy and Performance MMM095 Module
Principles of human resource management MMM122 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management MM289 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management MM339 Module
Strategy and International Business MM303 Module
Strategy and International Business MMD005 Module
Study and Research Skills: Sources, Methods, and Practice MMM070 Module
The Evolution of Multinational Enterprises MMM173 Module
Theories of the Multinational Enterprise MMM073 Module
Work Mini-Placement MM285 Module
Work Term Placement and Project MMM175 Module

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