Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic Practices in Applied Linguistics LSMAPAL Module
Analysing Speech LS2ANS Module
Approaches to Discourse Analysis LSMADA Module
Approaches to Discourse Analysis LSMADAR Module
Child Language Development LS3DCL Module
Child Language Development LSMCL Module
Child Language Development LSMCLR Module
Discourse Analysis LS2DAN Module
Dissertation LSMDIS Module
Dissertation LS3DI Module
Dissertation (MRes) LSMDRN Module
Dissertation (MRes) LSMDNR Module
English Grammar LS2EG Module
English Grammar and Phonology LS2EGP Module
English Language and Society LS1ELS Module
English Phonology LS2EP Module
Essentials of Research Methods LSMERM Module
Foundations of Language Study LSMFLS Module
Full Dissertation Proposal LSMTTP Module
Full dissertation proposal LSMPRO Module
Globalization and Language LS1GL Module
Intercultural Communication LS3IC Module
Intercultural Communication LSMICR Module
Intercultural Communication LSMIC Module
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics LS3ICL Module
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics LSMICL Module
Introduction to English Language Teaching LS2LAT Module
Issues in Language Skills Teaching LSMLST Module
Language and Digital Media LS2LDM Module
Language and Gender LS2LAG Module
Language and migration LS3LMG Module
Language and Migration LSMLMG Module
Language and Migration LSMLAM Module
Language and Migration LSMLMGR Module
Language and New Media LS2LNM Module
Language and the Mind LS2LAM Module
Language Curriculum Design LSMLCR Module
Language Curriculum Design LSMLCL Module
Language in Professional Communication LSMLPC Module
Language in Professional Communication LS3LPC Module
Language Teaching Portfolio LSMDIP Module
Language Testing Principles LSMTPR Module
Language Testing Principles LSMTP Module
Placement Experience Year LS2YPE Module
Principles of Applied Linguistics LSMPAL Module
Professional Communication Project LS3PCP Module
Research Design Methods LSMRDM Module
Second Language Learning Principles LSMSL Module
Second Language Learning Principles LSMSLR Module
Semester Study Abroad LS2SSA Module
Sociolinguistics LS2SLG Module
Sociolinguistics LSMSOR Module
Sociolinguistics LSMSOC Module
Sounds, Grammar and Meaning LS1SG Module
Study Abroad LS2YSA Module
Teaching the Language Skills LS3LST Module
Techniques and Skills for Applied Linguistics LS1TAL Module
Term Study Abroad LS2TSA Module

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