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"Crisis, Change, Opportunity: Italy from 1968 to the Present" IT3CCO Module
Advanced French Language II FR3L4 Module
Advanced French Language I FR3L3 Module
Advanced French Language I FR2L3 Module
Advanced French Language I FR1L3 Module
Advanced French Language II FR2L4 Module
Advanced French Language III FR3L6C Module
Advanced French Language III (Travaux Pratiques/Translation) FR3L6 Module
Advanced German Language I GM2L3 Module
Advanced German Language I GM1L3 Module
Advanced German Language II GM2L4 Module
Advanced German Language II GM3L4 Module
Advanced German Language III GM3L6 Module
Advanced German Language III (3-yr prog) GM3L6C Module
Advanced Italian Language I IT1L3 Module
Advanced Italian Language I IT2L3 Module
Advanced Italian Language I IT3L3 Module
Advanced Italian Language II IT2L4 Module
Advanced Italian Language II IT3L4 Module
Advanced Italian Language III IT3L6 Module
Advanced Italian Language III (3-yr programme) IT3L6C Module
Advanced Spanish Language 1 SP1L3 Module
Advanced Spanish Language I SP2L3 Module
Advanced Spanish Language I SP3L3 Module
Advanced Spanish Language II SP3L4 Module
Advanced Spanish Language II SP2L4 Module
Advanced Spanish Language III SP3L6 Module
Advanced Spanish Language III (3-year programme) SP3L6C Module
Apocalittici e integrati': Intellectuals and Society in Twentieth Century Italy IT2INT Module
Beginner Spanish Language SP1L1 Module
Beginners French Language FR1L1 Module
Beginners German Language GM1L1 Module
Beginners Italian Language IT1L1 Module
Belonging in Germany GM1BG Module
Children's books in France FR2CHF Module
Cinema of Germany GM2CG Module
Culture & Revolution in Modern Latin America SP2CR Module
Dissertation MLMDIS Module
Dissertation MLMDSS Module
Extended Essay ML3EE Module
French Language for Management & Business II FR3LMB Module
French Popular Music and Society FR3PM Module
Future Worlds in Film ML3FWF Module
German Language 3 GM3L3 Module
German Language for Management & Business II GM3LMB Module
German Language II GM2L2 Module
German Texts and Genres GM1TG Module
Global Ecologies: Climate Discourse and Activism ML2GE Module
Global French Life-Stories FR2GFLS Module
Glorification, Denial and Contempt – Reconstructing Austria's Past GM2GDC Module
Greats of European Cinema ML1GEC Module
How to think in French FR2HTF Module
Icons of Modern Germany GM1IMG Module
Icons of Spain and Latin America: From conquest to independence; from revolution to globalisation SP1I1 Module
Ideas of Frenchness 1 FR1IFA Module
Ideas of Frenchness 2 FR1IFB Module
Identity and Conflict in Modern Europe ML3IC Module
Intermediate French Language FR1L2 Module
Intermediate French Language FR2L2 Module
Intermediate German Language GM1L2 Module
Intermediate Italian Language IT1L2 Module
Intermediate Italian Language IT2L2 Module
Intermediate Spanish Language SP2L2 Module
Intermediate Spanish Language SP1L2 Module
Introduction to French Culture FR1IFC Module
Introduction to Linguistics IT1IL Module
Introduction to Linguistics ML1IL Module
Introduction to Migration Studies MLMIMS Module
Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Culture SP1SLAC Module
Italian Language for Management & Business IT3LMB Module
Language and Power ML3LP Module
Language, Diversity, and Inclusion: The representation of the otherness in Italian context IT3LDI Module
Liberty and Empire in the Making of the Modern World: 1789-to the Present ML1LIB Module
Making Italians: A Journey in the History and Culture of Modern Italy IT10MI Module
May '68 FR3M68 Module
Memory, Dictatorship and Cultural Resistance in the Southern Cone SP3MDR Module
Modern and Contemporary Spanish Narratives SP2MCN Module
Modern Languages for Management and Business ML3LMB Module
Narrating the Colombian Conflict SP3NCC Module
One country, many languages. Linguistic variety and society in contemporary Italy IT2LVS Module
Philanthropy a la francaise: the history of ideas and practices in the French third sector FR3PF Module
Science, perversion, and dream in global fantastic literature ML2GF Module
Semester 1 Study or Work Placement Abroad ML2YS1 Module
Semester 2 Study or Work Placement Abroad ML2YS2 Module
Society, Thought, and Art in Modern Europe ML2STA Module
Spanish Language for Management & Business SP3LMB Module
The First World War: Then and Now FR2FWW Module
The German Language and National identity GM3LNI Module
The Making of Contemporary Germany GM1MCG Module
The Making of Modern France FR1MMF Module
The Making of Modern Spain and Latin America SP1MSLA Module
Thinking Translation: History and Theory ML1TRANS Module
Thinking Translation: History and Theory ML1TT Module
Transatlantic Exchanges: Latin America in the Global 19th Century SP2TT Module
Unity, Nationalism and Regionalism in Europe ML2UNR Module
War on Screen - Germany and its films about WWII GM3WOS Module
What is Comparative Literature? ML1COMP Module
Work Placement or Extended Project MLMWEP Module
Work Placement or Extended Project MLMWPP Module
Writers and Publishers in Spain SP3WPS Module
Year Abroad Language ML2YL5 Module

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