Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Professional Development PLMAPD Module
Child Language Acquisition PLMCLA Module
Clinical Phonetics and Phonology PLMCPH Module
Clinical Phonetics and Phonology PLMCPP Module
Clinical Practice 2 PLMCP2 Module
Clinical Practice 1 PLMCP1R Module
Clinical Practice 1 PLMCP1 Module
Clinical Practice 2 PLMCP2R Module
Clinical Studies 1 PL1CLN1 Module
Clinical Studies 1 PL1CLIN1 Module
Clinical Studies 2 PL2CLN2 Module
Clinical Studies 2 PL2CLIN2 Module
Clinical Studies 3 PL3CLN3 Module
Clinical Studies 3 PL3CLIN3 Module
Clinical Studies 4 PL4CLIN4 Module
Clinical Studies 4 PL4CLN4 Module
Communication Impairment 2 PLMCI2R Module
Communication Impairment 3 PLMCI3R Module
Communication Impairment I PLMCI1R Module
Culturally Sustaining and Decolonisation Practices in Speech and Language Therapy PL4CSDP Module
Development Across the Lifespan for Speech and Language Therapy PLMDALSLT Module
Disorders of Eating Drinking and Swallowing PL4DS Module
Dissertation PLM4P Module
Foundations of Grammar PLMFG Module
Foundations of Linguistics, Phonetics and Phonology PLMFLP Module
Introduction to Linguistics PL1LNG1 Module
Introduction to Linguistics PL1LING1 Module
Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology PLMPPR Module
Introduction to Speech and Language Pathology PLMISLR Module
Introduction to Speech and Language Pathology PL3ISL Module
Introduction to Speech and Language Pathology PL3ISLR Module
Language Acquisition and Processing PLMLAP Module
Language and Communication in Genetic Disorders PLMLGC Module
Language and Communication in Genetic Disorders PL4LDG Module
Language in Genetic Disorders PL3LDG Module
Language in Genetic Disorders (M Level) PLMLDG Module
Language in the Brain PL1LB Module
Language Processing PLMLPR Module
Language Processing for Speech and Language Therapy PLMLPSLT Module
Linguistics 2 PL2LING2 Module
Linguistics 2 PL2LNG2 Module
Medicine 1 PLMM1 Module
Medicine 2 PLMM2 Module
Medicine 2 PL3MED2 Module
Medicine Module 1 PL1MED1 Module
Multilingualism and Impairment Across the Lifespan PLMML Module
Multilingualism and Impairment Across the Lifespan PL3ML Module
Neuroscience of Language PL3NL Module
Neuroscience of Language PLMNL Module
Phonetics and Phonology 1 PL1PHN1 Module
Phonetics and Phonology 1 PL1PHON1 Module
Phonetics and Phonology 2 PL2PHN2 Module
Phonetics and Phonology 2 PL2PHON2 Module
Psychology for Speech and Language Therapy PL1PSYCH Module
Psychology for Speech and Language Therapy PLMPSY Module
Psychology for Speech and Language Therapy PL1PSY Module
Research and Dissertation PLMRD Module
Research and Dissertation PLMRDN Module
Research Methods PL3RES Module
Social psychology and individual differences for speech and language therapy PLMSIDSLT Module
Speech Language and Communication 1 PL1SLC1 Module
Speech Language and Communication 1 PL1SCL1 Module
Speech Language and Communication 1 PLMSCL1 Module
Speech Language and Communication 1 M PLMSLC1 Module
Speech Language and Communication 2 (Paediatric) PL2SLC2 Module
Speech Language and Communication 2 M (Paediatric) PLMSLC2 Module
Speech Language and Communication 3 M (Adult) PLMSLC3 Module
Speech Language and Communication 4 (Across the Lifespan) PL3SLC4 Module
Speech Language and Communication 4 M (Across the Lifespan) PLMSLC4 Module
Speech Language and Communication Disorders 1 PL1SLCD1 Module
Speech Language and Communication Disorders 2 PL2SLCD2 Module
Speech Language and Communication Disorders 3 PL3SLCD3 Module
Speech Language and Communication Disorders 3 (Adult) PL3SLC3 Module

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