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Active Vision PY3AV Module
Adapting Low-intensity Practice PYMALI Module
Adaptive Control of Thought PY3ACT Module
Advanced Methodologies in Psychology PYMAMP Module
Advanced Skills for Working with Trauma PYMAWT Module
Analysing Data Using R PYMADR Module
Applied and Professional Psychology PY1APP Module
Applying Qualitative Methods in Psychological Research PYM0QQ Module
Basic Skills PYMBSC Module
Basic Skills PY3BAS Module
Basic Skills PYMBAS Module
Basic Skills for Working with Trauma PYMBWT Module
Behaviour Change PY2BCH Module
Behavioural Economics PY3BE Module
Behavioural Economics PYMBE Module
Brain Mechanisms of Learning and Decision-Making PY3LDM Module
Brief Evidence-Based Interventions for Children and Young People with Common Mental Health Problems PY3LIC Module
Clinical Neuroscience PY3CNE Module
Clinical Placement PYMFCP Module
Clinical Research Methods PYMFCR Module
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience PYMCAN Module
Cognitive and Biological Psychology PY2CBP Module
Cognitive and Biological Psychology (Conversion) PYMCCBP Module
Cognitive Neuropsychology of Ageing PY3CA Module
Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention and Working Memory PY3CNWM Module
Common Problems and Processes in Education Settings PY3PES Module
Common Problems and Processes in Education Settings PYMPES Module
Communicating Current Psychology PY4CCP Module
Communicating Current Psychology PY3CCP Module
Computational Models and Methods in Psychology PY3CMC Module
Data Collection and Analysis 1 PYM0S1 Module
Data Collection and Analysis 2 PYM0S2 Module
Debates in Mental Health PY1DMH Module
Development across the lifespan PY2DAL Module
Development Across the Lifespan (Conversion) PYMCDAL Module
Developmental Psychopathology PY3DPP Module
Dietary and Metabolic Influences on Cognition PY3DMC Module
Eating behaviours across the lifespan PY3EBL Module
Emotion and Motivation PY3EM Module
Empirical Project PY4PR Module
Empirical Project PYM0EP Module
Empirical Project (Conversion) PYMCEP Module
Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems PY3EAA Module
Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems PYMEAA Module
Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems PY3EAA1 Module
Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems in Children and Young People PYMEAC Module
Engagement and Assessment of Common Mental Health Problems in Children and Young People PY3EAC Module
Enhanced Practice in Early Intervention PYMEME Module
Evidence-Based Low Intensity Interventions for Children and Young People presenting with Common Mental Health Problems PYMLIC Module
Evidence-Based Low Intensity Treatment of Common Mental Health Problems PYMTRT Module
Evidence-based low-intensity treatment of common mental health problems PY3TRT Module
Evidence-based low-intensity treatment of common mental health problems PY3TRT1 Module
Evidence-Based Treatments Across the Lifespan PYMFEB Module
Face Perception and Recognition PY3FPR Module
fMRI Data Analysis PYM0FM Module
Forensic Psychology PY3FOR Module
Forensic Psychology: Applying Theory and Practice PY3FATP Module
Forensic Psychology: Theory and Practice PY3FPT Module
Foundation Introduction to Psychological Research PY0FIR Module
Foundation Topics in Psychology PY0FTP Module
Fundamental Principles for Working with Children and Young People PYMFPC Module
Fundamental Principles for Working with Children and Young People PY3FPC Module
Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Treatments (CBT) PYMFUN Module
Gathering Data in Cognition and Neuroscience PYMDCN Module
Health Psychology PY3HP Module
Health Psychology and Behaviour Change PY3HPBC Module
Health Psychology and Behaviour Change PYMHPBC Module
Health Psychology and Behaviour Change PY4HPBC Module
Influential Studies in Psychology PYMCISP Module
Influential Studies in Psychology (Conversion) PYMCIS Module
Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Community and Primary Health Care Settings PYMICS Module
Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Community and Primary Health Care Settings PY3ICS Module
Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Education Settings PY3IES Module
Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Education Settings PYMIES Module
Introduction to CBT PY2FIT Module
Introduction to CBT PYMFIT Module
Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Evidence-Based Psychological Treatment PYMICT Module
Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Evidence-Based Psychological Treatment (APEL) PYMINTA Module
Introduction to Neuroscience Methods PY1INM Module
Introduction to Psychological Research PY1IPR Module
Introduction to Psychology PY1IPY Module
Introduction to Psychology for Finance PYMIP Module
Learning about Learning PY1LAL Module
Memory, Mind and Brain PY3MMB Module
Mental Health Prevention in Community and Primary Care Settings PY3PCS Module
Mental Health Prevention in Community and Primary Care Settings PYMPCS Module
Methods in Cognition and Neuroscience PYMMCN Module
Motivation and Performance in Organisations PY3MPO Module
Music, Language and the Brain PY3MLB Module
Neurodegeneration: Theory and Practice PY3NTP Module
Neurodevelopmental Differences PY3NDD Module
Neuropsychology of Frontostriatal Disorders PY3NFD Module
Nutrition, Cognition and Mental Health PY3NCMH Module
Nutrition, Cognition and Mental Health PY4NCMH Module
Parent training for Conduct Problems PY3PAR Module
Parent Training for Conduct Problems PYMPAR Module
Placement PYM0PL2 Module
Placement PYM0PL Module
Placement (P3) PY30PL Module
Professional and Clinical Practice PY2PCP Module
Professional Placement PY2PRP Module
Programming for Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience PYMPBC1 Module
Project PY3P Module
Project for Art and Psychology PY3PAP Module
Project for Placement Students PY3EP Module
Project for Psychology and Philosophy Students PY3PPP Module
Project Preparation PYM0PP Module
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences for Finance PYMPBSF Module
Psychology PY0PSY Module
Psychology PY0PSYA Module
Psychology and Research Methods PY0PSR Module
Psychology and the Body PY0PYB Module
Psychology in the Workplace PY1PIW Module
Research Methods and Data Analysis (Conversion) PYMCRMP Module
Research methods in Psychology PY2RMP Module
Research Placement PYM0RP Module
Research Placement PYMFRP Module
Reward Dysfunction in Clinical Disorders PY3RCD Module
Science of Emotion PY3SE Module
Scientific Computing for Psychologists PY2SCP Module
Self Control PY3SCO Module
Sensory Perception in Neurodevelopmental Conditions PY3SNC Module
Social Cognition PY3SC Module
Social Cognition of Nonverbal Behaviour PY3SCN Module
Social Psychology and Individual Differences PY2SID Module
Social Psychology and Individual Differences (Conversion) PYMCSID Module
Study Abroad PYMSA3 Module
Study Abroad PY2SA60 Module
Study Abroad PY2SA50 Module
Study Abroad PY2SA40 Module
Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT PYMSUS Module
Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT I PYMSUT Module
Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT I PYMSUC Module
Supervisor Training for Children and Young People's IAPT II PYMSOS Module
Systematic Review PYMFSR Module
The Developmental Psychopathology of Anxiety PY3DPA Module
The Person and the Brain PY1PAB Module
The Psychology of Pain and Ill Health PY4PIL Module
The Psychology of Pain and Ill Health PY3PIL Module
Theories and Models about the Brain PYMTMB Module
Theory and Practice for Anxiety Disorders PYMANX Module
Theory and Practice for Depression PYMDEP Module
Therapy for Childhood Anxiety PYMCHA Module
Therapy for Childhood Anxiety PYMTHA Module
Therapy for Childhood Depression PYMCHD Module
Therapy for Childhood Depression PYMTHD Module
Topics in Social Psychology PY3TSP Module
Treatments and Models of Anxiety PYMAXY Module
Treatments and Models of Depression PYMDPN Module
Typical and Atypical Reading PY3TAR Module
Values, Employment and Context PY3VEC Module
Values, Employment and Context PYMVEC Module
Values, Employment and Context PY3VEC1 Module
Virtual Reality and the Brain PY3VRB Module
Vision in Typical and Atypical Development PY3VTA Module
Working, Assessing and Engaging in Community and Primary Care Settings PY3WCS Module
Working, Assessing and Engaging in Community and Primary Care Settings PYMWCS Module
Working, Assessing and Engaging in Education Settings PYMWES Module
Working, Assessing and Engaging in Education Settings PY3WES Module

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Suggested resources for prospective UG students In Psychology 25/09/2022 08:02:42