Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Aesthetics PP3AEST Module
Aesthetics PP2AE Module
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility PP3BESR Module
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility PP3BE Module
Chinese Philosophy PP3CP Module
Current Moral Philosophy PP2CMP Module
Dissertation PPMDISS Module
Dissertation in Philosophy PP3DIS Module
Early Chinese Philosophy PP3ECP Module
Elementary Logic PP1EL Module
Essay Module 1 PPME1 Module
Essay module 2 PPME2 Module
Essay module 3 PPME3 Module
Ethical Argument PP2EA Module
Ethical Argument 1: Philosophy and How to Live PP2EA1 Module
Ethical Argument 2: Philosophy and How to Live PP2EA2 Module
Fairness PP3FAI Module
Free Will and Responsibility PP3FWR Module
Global Justice PP1GJ Module
Global Philosophies PP2GP Module
Global Philosophy PP2GP1 Module
Global Philosophy PP2GP2 Module
Great Works in Philosophy PP1GW Module
Happy, Good and Meaningful Lives PP3HGML Module
Hume and Wittgenstein PP3HW Module
Hume, Kant, and Wittgenstein 1 PP2HKW1 Module
Hume, Kant, and Wittgenstein 2 PP2HKW2 Module
Ignorance, Doubt, and Relativism PP2IDR Module
Ignorance, Doubt, and Relativism 1 PP2IDR1 Module
Ignorance, Doubt, and Relativism 2 PP2IDR2 Module
Independent Learning / Extended Essay PP3ILM Module
Meaning and the Mind PP2MM Module
Meaning and the Mind 1 PP2MM1 Module
Meaning and the Mind 2 PP2MM2 Module
Mental Machines PP1MM Module
Oppression, Inequality, and the Enemies of Democracy PP1OID Module
Oppression, Inequality, and the Enemies of Democracy PP2OID Module
Oppression, Inequality, and the Enemies of Democracy 1 PP2OID1 Module
Oppression, Inequality, and the Enemies of Democracy 2 PP2OID2 Module
Philosophical Skills for Life PP1PS Module
Philosophy of Language: Animals, Babies, Colours, and Language Death PP3LANG Module
Philosophy of Religion PP3RELI Module
Philosophy of Religion PP3REL Module
Philosophy through the Ages: the Minds that Shaped our World PP2PTA Module
Professional Placement Year PP3PPY Module
Radical Philosophy PP1RP Module
Reason and Argument PP1RA Module
Science, Values and Reality PP3SVR Module
Seminar presentation PPMSP Module
Society and State in Ancient Greece PP3SSG Module
Speech Attacks PP3SPA Module
Study Abroad 1 PP3SA1 Module
Study Abroad 1 PP2SA1 Module
Study Abroad 2 PP3SA2 Module
Study Abroad 2 PP2SA2 Module
Study Abroad 3 PP2SA3 Module
Study Abroad 3 PP3SA3 Module
Study Abroad 4 PP2SA4 Module
Study Abroad 5 PP2SA5 Module
Study Abroad 6 PP2SA6 Module
Study Abroad 7 PP2SA7 Module
Study Abroad Year PP2SAY Module
The Meaning of Life PP1ML Module
The Right and the Good PP1RG Module
The Scandal of Film PP3SCF Module
Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mind and Action PP3WMA Module
Writing the Philosophical Essay PP1WRI Module

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