Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Degree Competencies PO2ADC Module
American Foreign Policy Since the Vietnam War PO3AFP Module
American Government and Politics PO2AMG Module
British Foreign and Defence Policy since 1945 PO3BFD Module
British Government and Politics PO2BGP Module
British Government and Politics PO2BGP1 Module
British Society PO1BRI Module
Comparative Government and Politics PO2CGP1 Module
Comparative Government and Politics PO2CGP Module
Concepts in Politics PO0CPO Module
Contemporary Strategy PO2COS Module
Critical Security Studies PO3CRS Module
Degree Core Competencies PO1DCC Module
Dissertation PO3DIS Module
Dissertation in Politics and International Relations PO3DIP Module
Experiencing War PO3EXW Module
Feminism and Political Theory PO3FPT Module
Gender and Politics PO3GAP Module
Global Justice PO3GLJ Module
Global Order PO2GLO Module
Global Politics and History PO2GPH Module
Government and Politics PO0GPO Module
Inequality PO1INE Module
Intelligence, War and International Relations PO3INT Module
International Organizations in Global Politics PO3IOG Module
International Political Economy PO3IPE Module
International Relations PO1IRE Module
International Terrorism PO3ITE Module
Introduction to Contemporary Democracy PO1ICD Module
Introduction to Political Ideas PO1IPI Module
Introduction to Sociology PO0ISO Module
Karl Marx PO3MAR Module
Model United Nations PO2MUN Module
Modern International Relations PO2MIR1 Module
Modern International Relations PO2MIR Module
Placement Support PO1PLA Module
Placement Support PO2PLA Module
Political Behaviour Around the World PO3PBW Module
Political Classics PO2PHC Module
Political Thinking PO2THI Module
Politics PO0POL Module
Politics and International Relations of the Middle East PO3MEA Module
Politics of Climate Change PO1PCC Module
Politics: International Relations and Strategic Studies PO1IRS Module
Populism PO3PPL Module
Professional Placement Year PO2PPY Module
Risk PO3RIS Module
Sociology PO0SOC Module
Study Abroad PO2SAC Module
Study Abroad PO2SAB Module
Study Abroad PO2SAA Module
Study Abroad Year PO2SAY Module
Terrorism and Counterterrorism PO3TEU Module
The Media and Politics PO2TMP1 Module
The Media and Politics PO2TMP Module
The Politics of Nuclear Weapons PO3NUK Module
The Study of Politics PO2SOP Module
Topics in Sociology PO0TSO Module
US Foreign and Defence Policy since 1950 PO3USF Module
US Foreign Policy PO3USU Module
War and Peace Since 1800 PO2WAP Module
War and Warfare PO1WAR Module
War, Peace and International Ethics PO3WPE Module
War, Peace and International Ethics PO2WPE Module
Work Placement and Project PO2WPP Module

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