When Sort by date List titleSort by title Type Sort by type Description Actions
20/11/2024 18:26:31PO3GLJ: Global Justice List published6 items added, 2 items removed
20/11/2024 18:11:27PM4PY2: Research SkillsList published2 items added, 2 items removed
20/11/2024 16:55:23PO2MUN: Model United NationsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
20/11/2024 16:18:28EN3DD: Decadence and Degeneration: Literature of the 1890sList published2 items added
20/11/2024 16:07:55MM1F19: Management Debates: Ways of Thinking About BusinessList published1 item added
20/11/2024 15:44:17EC322: Economics of LabourList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
20/11/2024 15:34:35FB3AQS: Advanced Food Quality and SafetyList published1 item added
20/11/2024 12:51:02HS2O56: Medieval MedicineList published1 item removed
20/11/2024 11:59:57AR1FOR: Forensic Anthropology and the Archaeology of DeathList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
20/11/2024 11:53:06HS2O56: Medieval MedicineList published1 item removed
20/11/2024 11:50:27AR1FOR: Forensic Anthropology and the Archaeology of DeathList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
20/11/2024 11:47:20HS2O56: Medieval MedicineList published1 item removed
20/11/2024 11:16:33HS2O56: Medieval MedicineList published1 item removed
20/11/2024 11:05:50HS2O56: Medieval MedicineList published1 item removed
20/11/2024 11:04:25PL3SLC3/PLMSLC3 : Speech Language and Communication 3 (Adult)List published4 items removed, 1 section removed
20/11/2024 11:00:21PL3SLC3/PLMSLC3 : Speech Language and Communication 3 (Adult)List published1 item removed
20/11/2024 10:53:16PL3SLC3/PLMSLC3 : Speech Language and Communication 3 (Adult)List published1 item removed
20/11/2024 09:48:08CYP Supervision: PYMSOS; PYMSUT (CWI)List published57 items added
20/11/2024 09:18:16AD0FEE - Ecology and the EnvironmentList published3 items added
19/11/2024 17:53:18EN3DD: Decadence and Degeneration: Literature of the 1890sList published10 items added, 4 sections added
19/11/2024 16:51:20HS2O56: Medieval MedicineList published21 items removed
19/11/2024 16:31:56HS2O56: Medieval MedicineList published1 item removed
19/11/2024 16:29:16HS2O56: Medieval MedicineList published1 item removed
19/11/2024 16:27:49HS2O56: Medieval MedicineList published1 item removed
19/11/2024 14:35:24MM1F29: Developing Professional ExcellenceList published1 item added
19/11/2024 14:28:55EN2CWN: Creative Non-fiction List published1 item removed
19/11/2024 14:14:08CL2SI: My Mother's Sin and other StoriesList published1 item added
19/11/2024 13:21:28CL2GSA: Greek Sculpture and ArchitectureList published3 items added
19/11/2024 12:01:21CL2SI: My Mother's Sin and other StoriesList published2 items added
19/11/2024 09:05:26ENMMAT: Materiality and TextualityList published1 item added
18/11/2024 23:28:15PY3NTP: Neurodegeneration: Theory and PracticeList published13 items added, 2 sections added
18/11/2024 17:19:06EN2BB: The Business of BooksList published7 items added, 9 items removed, 1 section added, 1 section removed
18/11/2024 15:52:29AD3INP: Independent Research ProjectList published1 item added
18/11/2024 14:58:38EN2CWN: Creative Non-fiction List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/11/2024 14:53:39EN2CWN: Creative Non-fiction List published1 item removed
18/11/2024 14:31:18EC141 Principles of Economics 2List published2 items added, 1 item removed
18/11/2024 14:21:54EC141 Principles of Economics 2List published1 item added
18/11/2024 13:56:43IL1GMB/IL2GMB: Modern Britain: Society, History and PoliticsList published1 item added
18/11/2024 13:42:02ADMTPD: Theories and Practices of DevelopmentList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/11/2024 13:41:26ADMTPD: Theories and Practices of DevelopmentList published2 items added
18/11/2024 13:34:02MMM173: The Evolution of Multinational Enterprises List published2 items added, 1 section added
18/11/2024 12:52:31MM297: Managing work and people: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Management (Organisational Behaviour Themes)List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/11/2024 12:48:28ADMTPD: Theories and Practices of DevelopmentList published20 items removed, 3 sections removed
18/11/2024 12:47:22ADMTPD: Theories and Practices of DevelopmentList published1 item added, 5 items removed
18/11/2024 12:22:44ADMTPD: Theories and Practices of DevelopmentList published1 item added
18/11/2024 12:19:37ADMTPD: Theories and Practices of DevelopmentList published2 items added, 1 section added
18/11/2024 10:48:29TG1ID: Information Design 1List published5 items added
18/11/2024 09:37:04MM398: Technology Advisory PracticesList published1 item removed
18/11/2024 09:07:10RE2LAW: Real Estate and Planning LawList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/11/2024 09:05:55RE2LAW: Real Estate and Planning LawList published1 item added, 1 item removed
18/11/2024 08:37:49RE2LAW: Real Estate and Planning LawList published4 items added, 1 item removed
17/11/2024 17:53:40RE2ECON: Real Estate and Urban EconomicsList published2 items added
17/11/2024 16:30:45TG2DD: Design DiscourseList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
17/11/2024 16:29:44TG2DD: Design DiscourseList published1 item added, 1 section added
17/11/2024 16:26:22TG2DD: Design DiscourseList published3 items added, 2 sections added
17/11/2024 16:12:56CL1PP: The Past in the PresentList published12 items added, 1 item removed, 3 sections added
17/11/2024 16:12:49TG2DD: Design DiscourseList published2 items added, 2 sections added
17/11/2024 16:05:38TG2DD: Design DiscourseList published6 items added
17/11/2024 16:00:19CL1PP: The Past in the PresentList published1 item removed
17/11/2024 15:59:08CL1PP: The Past in the PresentList published8 items added, 2 sections added
17/11/2024 15:53:00TG2DD: Design DiscourseList published1 item added, 1 section added
17/11/2024 15:48:11TG2DD: Design DiscourseList published4 items added, 3 sections added
17/11/2024 15:35:08TG2DD: Design DiscourseList published1 item added, 1 section added
16/11/2024 09:28:09FT2SHA: Reworking Shakespeare in PerformanceList published1 item added
15/11/2024 17:06:40HS3SBR: Becoming a Revolutionary: the Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1787-1794List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
15/11/2024 17:03:19HS3SBR: Becoming a Revolutionary: the Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1787-1794List published2 items added, 1 item removed, 1 section added
15/11/2024 11:51:35MM397: Management in Media IndustriesList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
15/11/2024 11:16:15ED1BED: Discovering Education: An Exploration of Key Educational IssuesList published19 items added, 10 items removed, 2 sections added, 4 sections removed
15/11/2024 10:52:22MM296: Building Competitive Advantage: Business Strategy and OperationsList published1 item added
15/11/2024 10:09:59AR1RAT: Revolutions and Transitions: The Human Journey from 6 Million Years Ago to the Present DayList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
14/11/2024 23:51:42CL1PP: The Past in the PresentList published11 items added, 2 sections added
14/11/2024 18:09:54GV2ATA: Analysing Social Data: Techniques and ApplicationsList published1 item added
14/11/2024 17:42:31EDM007: Investigating EducationList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
14/11/2024 16:57:39TG1TT: Type and TypographyList published1 item added, 1 section added
14/11/2024 16:22:45PL1PSY: Psychology for Speech and Language TherapyList published3 items added
14/11/2024 16:20:56PLMPSY: Psychology for Speech and Language TherapyList published3 items added
14/11/2024 15:31:31FT1STA: Staging Texts: Production Skills, Design and PerformanceList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
14/11/2024 15:30:16FT1STA: Staging Texts: Production Skills, Design and PerformanceList published7 items added, 1 section added
14/11/2024 15:16:18ED3FS2: The Foundation Subjects in the Primary Classroom 2List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
14/11/2024 15:08:34FT3SSS: Scriptwriting for Stage and ScreenList published4 items added
14/11/2024 14:47:49ED2MSP1: Mathematics and Science in the Primary CurriculumList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
14/11/2024 14:33:16ED3EMS1: Refining Pedagogy in Core Subjects: English, Mathematics and ScienceList published1 item added
14/11/2024 14:20:57ED3EMS1: Refining Pedagogy in Core Subjects: English, Mathematics and ScienceList published1 item removed
14/11/2024 13:59:35ED1MCE4: Mathematics, Children and Education 1List published2 items added
14/11/2024 12:49:12CL3AB: Ancient Biography (Key texts)List published80 items added, 14 sections added
14/11/2024 12:48:54CL3AB: Ancient Biography (Essays)List published70 items added, 10 sections added
14/11/2024 11:37:31MM397: Management in Media IndustriesList published1 item added
14/11/2024 10:15:28HS3T77: Battleaxes and Benchwarmers, Early female MPs 1919-1931List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
14/11/2024 09:46:18HS3T77: Battleaxes and Benchwarmers, Early female MPs 1919-1931List published1 item removed
14/11/2024 08:17:26EN1TPW: Theories and Practice of WritingList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
13/11/2024 22:54:08RE2ECON: Real Estate and Urban EconomicsList published1 item added
13/11/2024 22:33:01ADMMFI: MicrofinanceList published9 items added, 1 section removed
13/11/2024 21:35:27ADMMFI: MicrofinanceList published4 items added
13/11/2024 17:36:30MM1F29: Developing Professional ExcellenceList published6 items added, 1 section added
13/11/2024 17:29:04HS3SBR: Becoming a Revolutionary: the Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1787-1794List published3 items removed, 1 section removed
13/11/2024 17:24:45HS3SBR: Becoming a Revolutionary: the Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1787-1794List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
13/11/2024 17:19:21HS3SBR: Becoming a Revolutionary: the Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1787-1794List published1 item added
13/11/2024 17:04:54HS3T77: Battleaxes and Benchwarmers, Early female MPs 1919-1931List published1 item removed
13/11/2024 16:51:49HS3SBR: Becoming a Revolutionary: the Old Regime and the French Revolution, 1787-1794List published4 items added, 1 section added
13/11/2024 16:20:38TG2UX: User Experience 2List publishedNo items or sections added/removed