Temporary node to keep new new modules for the 24/25 academic year. Modules under this node will be moved under their proper parent node in the summer 2024.

Browse Pathway

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Introduction to Asian Legal Systems LW2ASI Module
Advanced Topics and Research Methods PMMAT1 Module
Advanced Topics and Research Project PMMAT2 Module
Ageing and Neurodegenerative Disorders PY3AND Module
Air Pollution: Effects and Control GVMAEC Module
Air Pollution: Effects and Control GV3AEC Module
Alternative Dispute Resolution LW2ADR Module
Ancient Greek 3 CLMG3 Module
Ancient Greek 4 CLMG4 Module
Ancient Greek 5 CLMG5 Module
Ancient Greek 6 CLMG6 Module
Cancer and Cell Communication BI3CCC1 Module
Cardiovascular Biology BI3CB2 Module
Collaboration, Practice and Innovation CEM22B Module
Collaboration, Practice and Innovation CEM22A Module
Complex Analysis MA4CAN Module
Complex Analysis MA3CAN Module
Contemporary Issues in Punishment LW3PUN Module
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Putting Theory into Practice GV3CSR Module
Counselling Skills and Practice PY3COS Module
Crimes of the Powerful LW3POW Module
Criminology Dissertation LW3CDS Module
Cultural Psychology PY3CUP Module
Deafness and Education ED2DED Module
Democracy, Division and Disagreement PO3DDD Module
Disasters, Climate and Society GV3DCS Module
Diversity, Rights and the Law LW2DRL Module
Dynamics of Civil Wars PO3DCW Module
Evolution in Health and Disease BI3EHD1 Module
Forensic Psychology PY3FOC Module
Forensic Psychology PY3FTP Module
Further Topics in Algebra MA4FUA Module
Further Topics in Algebra MA3FUA Module
Global Justice, Labour and Development GV3JLD Module
Green Criminology: Environmental Crime and Climate Justice LW3GRE Module
Group Project BIMGP3 Module
Guided Implementation (Primary) ED3GIP Module
HCI and Web Applications Development CS3HW Module
Head and Heart: Education for Meaning and Community ED3BHH Module
Health, Education and Wellbeing: Psychological and Sociological Perspectives ED2BWE Module
Independent Implementation (Primary) ED3IIP Module
Infectious Diseases BI2ID2 Module
Instrumentation for Diagnostics and Biomanipulation BIMID2 Module
Internet Law LWMINT Module
Islamic Banking Practices IC312 Module
Issues in Bilingualism LSMIB Module
Issues in Food Choice and Sensory FB2FCS Module
Italian History and Society since 1945: Conflict, consumerism and change HS207 Module
Judgment and Decision Making PY3JUD Module
Latin 3 CLML3 Module
Latin 4 CLML4 Module
Latin 5 CLML5 Module
Law of Evidence LW3EVI Module
Machine Learning CS3ML Module
Malaysia Real Estate Professional Practice RE3MREP Module
Malaysian Legal System LW2MLS Module
Marine Biology field course BI3MBFC Module
Masters Autumn Semester PPMAS Module
Masters Spring Semester PPMSS Module
Medical Genetics BI2MG2 Module
Medical Research and Enquiry PMM1RE Module
Medicines in Healthcare PM2MHIC Module
Microbiology Field Course BI3MFC1 Module
Molecular Microbiology BI2MM2 Module
NULL MM1F22 Module
Oceanography MT3OCN Module
Partial Differential Equations and Applications MA4PDA Module
Partial Differential Equations and Applications MA3PDA Module
Placement Support PM1PS Module
Principles of Tax AC207 Module
Prisons in Crisis LW3PIC Module
Protein Structure and Function BI3PSF1 Module
Psychology of Eating Behaviours and Nutrition PY3EBN Module
Race, Ethnicity and Justice LW3REJ Module
Remote Control GV3RC Module
Research Management, Ethics and Current Topics in Biomedical Engineering BIMRM1 Module
Responsible Investment and Sustainability Reporting AC310 Module
Robotics in Medicine and Prosthetics BI2RM2 Module
Shared Implementation (Primary) ED3SIP Module
Skills in Public Health BI2SPH2 Module
The archaeology and anthropology of money AR3R13 Module
The Science of Face Perception PY3SFP Module
The Writer's Workshop: Studying Manuscripts EN3SM Module
Theory of Macroeconomic Policy EC335 Module
Utopia: The Quest for a Perfect World HS3TUT Module
Venoms and Poisons: from Pharmacology to Therapeutics BI3VP1 Module
Vision Science PY3VIS Module

Lists linked to PRP modules

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