Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic English and Study Skills EDM096 Module
Academic Research and Practice EDMAPR Module
Academic Research and Practice EDMAP3 Module
Analysing Research Data in Education EDM201 Module
Art, Children and Education 1 ED1ACE1 Module
Art, Children and Education 2 ED2ACE2 Module
Art, Children and Education 2 ED2ACE1 Module
Art, Children and Education 3 ED3ACE1 Module
Assessment and Measurement EDM101 Module
Changing Education: an educational project for social justice ED3BDE Module
Child Development ED3FCD Module
Child Development and Education EDM104 Module
Children's Development ED3BCD Module
Classroom Musicianship EDM191 Module
Constructions of Childhood and Youth ED2BCY Module
Contemporary Education and Policy ED2BEP Module
Contextualising Creative Learning Through the Arts ED2BCL Module
Creative Learning through the Arts ED1BCL Module
Creativity and Critical Thinking ED2FCT Module
Critiquing Education: Where Theory Meets Practice ED2BED Module
Critiquing Education: where theory meets the professional space ED2BDE Module
Deafness and Blindness in Education ED3DBE Module
Developing Academic Practice EDMAP2 Module
Developing Academic Practice EDMAPD Module
Developing expertise in teaching EDM001 Module
Developing expertise in teaching EDM095 Module
Developing mentoring excellence (theory and practice) EDM190 Module
Development of transferable skills through a school placement ED3TS4 Module
Development of transferable skills through a school placement ED2TS2 Module
Discovering Education: An exploration of Key Educational Issues ED1BED Module
Dissertation ED3BFD Module
Dissertation in Children's Development and Learning ED3FDD Module
Dissertation in Educational Studies ED3BRE Module
Educating Diverse Groups EDM188 Module
Educating Learners with Diverse Needs EDM204 Module
Education and Professionalism EDM206 Module
Education for Inclusion ED1BEC Module
Educational Leadership and Management EDM205 Module
Educational Leadership and Management EDM173 Module
Enabling Progress In Mathematics and Science ED2MS1 Module
English and Communication in the Primary Curriculum 1 ED1EC1 Module
English and Communication in The Primary Curriculum 2 ED2EC1 Module
English in the Primary Curriculum 1 ED1EP1 Module
English in the Primary Curriculum 2 ED2EP2 Module
English Language Education Dissertation EDM097 Module
English, Children and Education 1 ED1ECE2 Module
English, Children and Education 2 ED2ECE2 Module
English, Children and Education 3 ED3ECE2 Module
Examining Educational Policy ED3EEP Module
Families and Learning EDM200 Module
Formative Assessment In Science And Physical Education ED3SP1 Module
Future Leaders in Education EDM202 Module
Global Citizenship in the Primary Classroom ED2GCP Module
Global Inclusion and Social Justice for Education ED1GIS1 Module
Global perspectives in Education ED2BGP Module
Global Perspectives in Education and Sustainability ED2BGS Module
Guided Implementation (Early Years) ED3EYG Module
Guided Practical Teaching ED3GPT Module
Guided teaching PGPrimary ED3PGG Module
Head and Heart: Education for Wisdom and Community ED2BHH Module
Health and Well - being: Consequences and Responsibilities ED3BHW Module
Independent Implementation (Early Years) ED3EYI Module
Independent Practical Teaching ED3IPT Module
Independent Study in Education EDM114 Module
Independent Study: Reflection on Practice in Education EDM210 Module
Independent teaching PGPrimary ED3PGI Module
Initial Teacher Training Programme ITT Programme
International Perspectives ED2FIP Module
Interprofessional Collaboration and Healthcare EDM189 Module
Introduction to Academic Practice EDMAPI Module
Investigating Education EDM007 Module
Investigating Inclusion in Primary Teaching EDMIIP Module
Investigating International Practice EDMPIIP Module
Investigating practice EDMPIP Module
Language, Multilingualism and Identity ED2BLM Module
Leadership EDMPLS Module
Leadership in Education ED3BLE Module
Leadership in Education ED2BLE Module
Leadership in the Childrens Workforce ED2FCW Module
Learning Gender: Exploring the Links Between Gender, Education and Society ED2BLG Module
Learning Spaces ED1FLS Module
MA Education dissertation EDM133 Module
Mathematics and Computing in the Primary Curriculum ED1MC1 Module
Mathematics and Science in the Primary Curriculum ED2MSP1 Module
Mathematics in the Primary School ED1MP1 Module
Mathematics, Children and Education 1 ED1MCE4 Module
Mathematics, Children and Education 1 ED1AC4 Module
Mathematics, Children and Education 2 ED2MCE4 Module
Mathematics, Children and Education 2 ED2AC4 Module
Mathematics, Children and Education 3 ED3AC4 Module
Mathematics, Children and Education 3 ED3MCE4 Module
Mental and Physical Education - Psychology of Education ED3MPE1 Module
Music, Children and Education 1 ED1MCE3 Module
Music, Children and Education 2 ED2MCE3 Module
Music, Children and Education 3 ED3MCE3 Module
Partnership with Parents ED1FPP Module
PGCE Primary Portfolio - learning and teaching the curriculum ED3PGPP Module
Practitioner Research ED2FPR Module
Professional Development 3 ED3BPD Module
Professional Studies 1 ED1PS1 Module
Professional Studies 2 ED2PS1 Module
Professional Studies and Inclusion ED3PI1 Module
Professional Studies and School Placement 1 ED1PSP1 Module
Professional Studies and School Placement 2 ED2PSP2 Module
Professional Studies, Research Engagement and School Placement 3 ED3PSP3 Module
Professional Studies, Research Engagement and School Placement 3 (Alternative) ED3PSPA Module
Professional Studies: The Reflective Early Years Teacher EDM182 Module
Professional Studies: the Reflective Practitioner EDMPPS Module
Professionalism in the 21st Century EDM194 Module
Professionalism in the Childrens Workforce ED1FPS Module
Providing children's services ED3PCS Module
Psychology and Theories of Learning ED1BPT Module
Quantitative Research Methods in Education EDM181 Module
Refining Pedagogy in Core Subjects: English, Mathematics and Science ED3EMS1 Module
Refining Pedagogy in English and Mathematics ED3EM1 Module
Reflective Leaders of Learning ED3FRL Module
Reflective Leadership of Learning ED3BRL Module
Research Methods 1 EDM207 Module
Research Methods 2 EDM209 Module
Research Methods in English Language Education EDM102 Module
Research Methods Part A and B EDM169 Module
School Education Project ED3SEP Module
School Experience 1 ED1SX1 Module
School Experience 2 ED2SX1 Module
School Experience 3 ED3SX1 Module
Second Language Teaching and Learning EDM167 Module
Second Language Teaching and Learning EDM084 Module
SEND Policies and Procedures EDM203 Module
Shared Implementation (Early Years) ED3EYS Module
Shared teaching PGPrimary ED3PGST Module
Shared/Guided/Independent Implementation (Primary) ED3SGII_P Module
Shared/Guided/Independent Implementation (Secondary) ED3SGII_S Module
Shared/Guided/Independent Teaching (Primary) ED3PTSGI_P Module
Shared/Guided/Independent Teaching (Secondary) ED3PTSGI_S Module
Sociology, Education and Social Justice ED1BSE Module
Student Enrichment Programme EDM192 Module
Subject Knowledge Enhancement IED_SKE Programme
Supporting development and learning for 0 - 11 years ED2FDL Module
Teaching and learning in healthcare EDM185 Module
Teaching Practical Sessions in Science and Physical Education ED1SP1 Module
Teaching Practical Sessions in Science, Design and Technology, Art and Physical Education ED1SAP1 Module
The Arts and Society ED3BSA Module
The Arts, Children and Education 1 : Music ED1AC3 Module
The Arts, Children and Education 1: Art Education and the Role of the Subject Leader in Primary Art ED1AC1 Module
The Arts, Children and Education 2 : Concepts in Art Education ED2AC1 Module
The Arts, Children and Education 2 : Music ED2AC3 Module
The Arts, Children And Education 3 : Music ED3AC3 Module
The Arts, Children and Education 3: Contemporary Art and the primary curriculum ED3AC1 Module
The Arts, Children and Education: English ED3AC2 Module
The Arts, Children and Education: English ED1AC2 Module
The Arts, Children and Education: English ED2AC2 Module
The Child in Society 1 ED1FCS Module
The Child in Society 2 ED2FCS Module
The Creative Educator EDM198 Module
The Foundation Subjects in the Primary Classroom 1 ED2FS1 Module
The Foundation Subjects in the Primary Classroom 2 ED3FS2 Module
The Foundation Subjects in the Primary Curriculum ED2PF1 Module
The Foundation Subjects in the Primary Curriculum ED3PF1 Module
The Primary Classroom: Education for Inclusion ED1EFI Module
The professional self and healthcare EDM186 Module
The Reflective International Teacher EDMPRIT Module
The Reflective Teacher EDMPRT Module
Theatre for Social Change ED2TSC Module
Theories of development and learning ED1FDL Module
Theory in Education EDM179 Module
Theory in Education EDM208 Module
Understanding the theory and practice of mentoring ED3BMU Module
Values and Practices in Education EDM174 Module
Working with others in health care EDM187 Module

Lists linked to Institute of Education

Title Sort by title Term Last updated Sort by last updated
ITT Core Content Framework 2024-25 Session 06/06/2024 11:31:10
PGRS Education: Sample theses 2024-25 Session 20/08/2024 06:56:19
Racial Equity and Justice in IoE 2024-25 Session 13/06/2024 11:10:36